Monday, May 24, 2010

Client Website Mockup

Mockup Homepage for Two Thumbs Up website:


  1. This website, through its fun, colourful design, matches the ethos of the community based organisation. The navigation is particularly inviting. The use of images of people creates a friendly, down-to-earth feel.
    The page hierarchy is clearly visible through the use of varying image and text sizes and page layout. Having the tagline text hiden behind the navigation images helps unify the elements of the page.
    The large image links to 'past projects' and 'about us' are a great idea. Visiters will want to explore the site further through this feature.
    Some Suggestions:
    1. Maybe add a short text blurb about the organisation below or above the image in the main content window.
    2. Adding a simple border to the two white areas may help them blend into the colourful site design. At the moment they seem a little stark against the vibrant blue background. A simple drop shadow may be enough.

    Matthew allan

  2. I love the fun of the website concept, would really grab you when its published to web.

    Only addition i could add would be along the lines of what Matt said on suggestion point 2. I would really try blend them white backgrounds in somehow, could always drop shadow them slightly, no blur, just work that through a bit.
